
Lead to What End?

Lead to What End?

Some leaders see themselves as a steward of their position. Others want to claim a top position in business. Still others want to accomplish something specific. None of these purposes, however, outlast the leader himself.

The Importance of Deliverables

The Importance of Deliverables

For a leader, deliverables can make or break overall performance. To confirm your role as a leader in your organization, on a regular basis you will have to bring deliverables on time, on budget, and of high quality, to meet the demands of clients and executives.

5 Ways to Lead Through Social Media

5 Ways to Lead Through Social Media

In 1 Thessalonians 5:11 we are instructed, “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up.”As a faith-centered leader, consider how social media may allow you to be a spiritual influence within your circle of family, friends and coworkers.