
What Happens When Nobody Is Watching?

What Happens When Nobody Is Watching?

“Character is who you are when no one else is looking.” It’s only when nobody else is watching—when you are alone, or when the social media cameras aren’t pointing at you—that you reveal who you are deep down.

Understanding Relational Leadership

Understanding Relational Leadership

As a leader, you’re not over a what, but a who. To lead is to influence others in a way that helps them grow personally, professionally and spiritually. Leadership is fundamentally about influencing people.

Overcoming Anxiety

Overcoming Anxiety

Anxiety most often grows from lack of knowledge and/or control. It’s easy to be afraid of that which we don’t understand, or can’t foresee. The Bible addresses anxiety directly. We find at least three spiritual resources we can use to overcome anxiety in life and work.

Lead to What End?

Lead to What End?

Some leaders see themselves as a steward of their position. Others want to claim a top position in business. Still others want to accomplish something specific. None of these purposes, however, outlast the leader himself.