
The Danger of Spiritual Tangents

The Danger of Spiritual Tangents

In today’s culture, we bicker, feud and fight with other Christ-followers. Arguments among God’s people are commonplace. But we can never argue anyone into an understanding of God. At best, this is a spiritual tangent.

Lead to What End?

Lead to What End?

Some leaders see themselves as a steward of their position. Others want to claim a top position in business. Still others want to accomplish something specific. None of these purposes, however, outlast the leader himself.

Four Ways to Invest in People Today

Four Ways to Invest in People Today

One of the greatest investments you can make as a leader will not be found in a stock selection, or emerging technologies, or foreign markets. A leader’s most powerful commodity is his relationships with people.

Achieving Success

Achieving Success

What is success? As a leader, perhaps you’ve set out trying to achieve it. The best house. Fat bank account. Full social calendar. Our culture shouts about what success is all day, every day. But the Bible paints a very different picture.