
Jesus Summarizes Christian Leadership

Jesus Summarizes Christian Leadership

Is there a summary for us of the Christian faith? Is there a simple statement that a leader can read that brings all of what we believe as Christ-followers into focus? Jesus Himself summarized the teachings of God in a few words.

Dealing with Rejection

Dealing with Rejection

Rejection is to spurn or refuse someone. Rejection can be good in the long run, but it still hurts. We feel a sting when it happens. Jesus Himself was often rejected. In fact, the Bible speaks often of rejection and how to handle it.

Achieving Success

Achieving Success

What is success? As a leader, perhaps you’ve set out trying to achieve it. The best house. Fat bank account. Full social calendar. Our culture shouts about what success is all day, every day. But the Bible paints a very different picture.

Free to Lead

Free to Lead

When we celebrate on July 4 now, 245 years and as many political reinterpretations later, it begs the question, “What freedom are we celebrating?” Christ brings us a clear and meaningful definition of freedom that transcends our July 4 celebration.